Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sowing liberally

In preparation for a message this Sunday I was struck over and over by the liberal sowing of the Word that Jesus mentions in the parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-20. If you recall the story, the farmer sows seed on the path where birds eat it, rocky ground, among thorns, and on good soil. The story has many implications that relate to God as the Sower and the teachings Jesus is sharing with the disciples (and the readers of Mark) but what I found myself drawn to was the willingness of the sower to liberally and without concern spread the seed in places where little return would be expected. When one considers the human element of this story, does it not strike as more amazing. Do we spend enough time considering the abundance of God's Word? It is so great that God would foolishly spread it over different kinds of soil when only one type could be expected to yield a return. What does this story tell us about the sharing of God's love to the world? What does it reveal about the abundance and power of God's love that seems to only grow in that sharing? In a world concerned with a shrinking economy, limitations among our natural resources, the quest for sustainable energy, and localized drought (where I currently live), how amazing is it to hear about the abundant bounty of God's grace and love liberally shared with everyone regardless of what kind of "soil" we consider them? It might be time for us to invest more in the richness of God's love and the resources this love makes possible..

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